第69章 professional figure skater 专注于表演
South china morning post: Japanese figure skating icon and two-time olympic champion Yuzuru hanyu has announced his retirement from petition at the age of 27.
孙寒潮:27 岁的日本花样滑冰标志性人物羽生结弦宣布退役,将不再参与竞技。羽生曾获两枚奥运金牌。
第69章 professional figure skater 专注于表演
South china morning post: Japanese figure skating icon and two-time olympic champion Yuzuru hanyu has announced his retirement from petition at the age of 27.
孙寒潮:27 岁的日本花样滑冰标志性人物羽生结弦宣布退役,将不再参与竞技。羽生曾获两枚奥运金牌。