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大家在看三体 综漫中的春物 修仙女配一路跑偏 斗罗:见证之书与绝世唐门 斗罗之开局觉醒克苏鲁武魂 木叶,请小心隔壁二柱子家的老王 龙图案卷集 斗罗:空间武魂,从俘获小舞开始 宅师 混沌龙帝 
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第99章 《苏东坡传》片段

one might say that Su tungpo was an incorrigible optimist, a great humanitarian, a friend of the people, a prose master, an original painter, a great calligraphist, an experimenter in wine making, an engineer, a hater of puritanism, a yogi, a buddhist believer, a confucian statesman, a secretary to the emperor, a confirmed winebibber, a humane judge, a dissenter in politics, a prowler in the moonlight, a poet, and a wag.


2 I can perhaps best sum it up by saying that the mention of Su tungpo always elicits an affectionate and warm admiring smile in china.


3 the poems and essays he wrote on the inspiration of the moment or in criticism of something he disliked were the natural outpourings of his heart instinctive and impetuous, like“the bird’s song in spring and the cricket's chirp in autumn”, as he put it once; or again they may be likened to the“cries of monkeys in the jungle or of the storks in high heaven, unaware of the human listeners below”.


4 Always deeply involved in politics, he was always greater than politics. without guile and without purpose, he went along singing, posing, and criticising, purely to express something he felt in his heart, regardless of what might be the consequences for himself.


5 From his writings shines forth a personality vivid and vigorous, playful or solemn, as the occasion may be, but always genuine, hearty, and true to himself. he wrote for no other reason than that he enjoyed writing, and today we enjoy his writing for no other reason than that he wrote so beautifully, generously, and out of the pristine innocence of his heart.


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站内强推穿越大周 惊悚乐园 wtw1974 欢迎来到节操动漫社 天官赐福 我,奈克瑟斯奥特曼 斗破苍穹外传之云韵篇 英格兰热刺王朝 一个路过的冒险家 我在万界收废品 港岛BOSS之路 福艳之都市后宫 大学毕业,被青梅竹马拉去当声优 倚天神雕 斗罗:我的武魂是诡秘之主 斗罗大陆之霍雨浩的姐姐 遮天之问道永恒 沉醉不醒 烂柯棋缘 我,洪荒食铁兽,吞吐气运 
经典收藏笑疯!真千金都重生了,谁惯着你 诸天从港综神探开始 街溜子,一等功有点多怎么了 谍战:开局偷听心声,识破日谍 暖阳入怀,寒冰渐融 影视:从奋斗开始,一路狂飙 进化从生化危机开始 在四合院的世界远离禽兽 山海时空 至尊女相 驭兽女尊 欢迎来到应试教育终赛道 八零回到纵火殉情前,老公我错了 鉴宝天书 翻身吧,尤物女配 大叔遇上小蛮妻:爱我别走 穿越之异世大陆 养女归来,我在豪门查案 凤战止戈 相互为光 
最近更新林澜的快穿人生 重活一世,她总调戏未来少总统 崩铁:列车上的特色 八零小寡妇带飞全家 身为神明实习生,我卷卷卷卷卷 薅光系统羊毛后,她飞升了 HP重启一生 豪门情韵交响曲 从契约新娘到总裁心尖宠 揉碎月光 穿越到坎公成为勇士 七零辣妻:恶毒大小姐到甜宠军嫂 汴京小食堂 灵魂摆渡:我师傅是九叔 在诡异怪谈当边缘人 诱他深陷:钓系美人杀疯了! 普通人的综影视 痴傻三年,开局撞见妻子出轨! 一觉醒来天塌啦!豪门老公破产了 荒漠天灾:我有十亿亿吨清水! 
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