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里尔克:给青年诗人写的信 2

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第136章 里尔克:给青年诗人写的信 2

I can’t help but wonder when was the last time you wrote to somebody. I don’t even have the faintest memory of doing so. writing letters seems such an antique way for human munication; yet it possesses such an undeniable ever-lasting power. From Rilke’s letters, for example, we’re allowed to see the sincerest exchange of ideas and attitudes between two people. Rilke’s ardent expectations for the young man flow so passionately across the lines that they sometimes spill out of the paper and immerse any devoted reader.


I’m most touched by the part where Rilke wrote about the necessity for art creation and encouraged Franz to go into himself. he said:


A work of art is good if it has arisen out of necessity. the verdict on it lies in this nature of its origin: there is no other. For this reason, my dear sir, the only advice I have is this: to go into yourself and examine the depths from which your life springs; at its source you will find the answer to the question of whether you have to write.


Rilke’s advice from over 100 years ago proved applicable in not only writing but also every other aspect of our life. while we attempt to seek answers from the outside, we ignore the voices from within. thus, we end up doing things that we hate to do, saying things that we refuse to say, and meeting people we hardly want to meet. we’re trying to make a better self out of a life we don’t want to live at all. So, to quote Rilke, a life is good if it has arisen out of necessity. Go into yourself and examine the depths from which your life springs.


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